Neuromed Clinic
Dr Ivan Murray
Find Yourself Again with TMS Treatments and MeRT and Ketamine
- We believe our purpose is to stimulate recovery and transform lives.
- We at Neuromed Clinic feel privileged to treat and offer hope to people suffering with depression and are extremely enthusiastic about the results TMS and MeRT and Ketamine achieves.
- Having received specialist training at both Harvard University and Duke University, in addition to manufacture training on our chosen device (MagVenture MagProTM), we established Edmonton’s (Alberta, Canada) first TMS service in 2017.
- Our welcoming and experienced staff are committed to supporting those we treat on the shared journey to recovery. By integrating TMS or MeRT and Ketamine with therapy we believe we further optimize the effects of this modality.
The TMS and MeRT Procedure is non-invasive
✓ 68% experience improvement in their depression
✓ Reduce your dependency on medication
✓ Local Edmonton clinic here for you
- MeRT for Autism, PTSD, Brain Injury and Brain Enhancement
- rTMS for Depression
- rTMS for Anxiety
- rTMS for PTSD
- rTMS for Burnout
- rTMS for Migraines
- rTMS for MS
- rTMS for Parkinson's
- rTMS for Fibromyalgia
- rTMS for Postpartum Depression
- rTMS for Addiction
- Ketamine
- ADHD services
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About Neuromed Clinic
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Before & After Photos






Patient Financing : Neuromed Clinic
Medicard offers a simple and affordable way to finance your medical care and allows you to immediately acquire the care you desire. The ideal alternative to writing a cheque. Medicard's patient financing programs ensure that you don't delay your treatment due to cost concerns by offering you a variety of financing terms with convenient monthly payments. We will pay your doctor or service provider in full now and you can repay us in affordable monthly payments.
Apply for financing online. It's easy!
How Medicard Works?
- No down payment
- No collateral
- High approval
- Competitive interest rates
- No early payment penalty
- And more ...
You can request financing for a portion or Medicard will finance the complete procedure or purchase.
Most client's applications are quickly approved for funding - in fact, financing can be approved while you are at your doctor or service provider's office!
Medicard's professional and experienced staff is committed to helping patients obtain financing. Contact us if you have any questions or if we can be of assistance.
Easy Steps to Apply for Financing
Medicard can pre-approve an approximate amount. This allows you the flexibility to choose your physician, service provider, procedure, product purchase or procedure date with the comfort of knowing that financing has been confirmed.
- Choose how much money you would like to finance.
- Choose to finance the whole procedure, or just a portion.
- Choose your ideal terms: 6 months, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6 years.
Medicard will notify you of the credit decision by phone.
- Sign and return the required documents and a void cheque to Medicard.
Medicard sends payment automatically to your doctor or service provider.
- Your monthly payment is electronically debited from your chequing account.
Get the product or treatment you want now!
Apply now