Toronto Plastic Surgery - Dr. Mitchell Brown

Toronto Plastic Surgery - Dr. Mitchell Brown

Dr. Mitchell Brown

Dr. Mitchell Brown is one of North America’s leading plastic surgeons specializing in aesthetic and reconstructive breast surgery, body contouring and facial aesthetic surgery.

A propos de notre pratique

Our approach is to recognize that every patient is a unique individual with unique concerns. There is no single approach to a cosmetic procedure that is right for every person. Dr. Brown will customize the surgery to each individual in order to try to meet your personal goals. Whenever possible, Dr. Brown will strive for a natural outcome that compliments your age, body style and frame.

Un message de Toronto Plastic Surgery - Dr. Mitchell Brown

Dr. Brown and his staff believe that you should never feel rushed when considering surgery. We want our patients to know that their questions were thoughtfully addressed and encourage them to return to the office for further appointments until they are completely comfortable with their decision to proceed with surgery.

Procédures les plus populaires

  • Breast Surgery,
  • Body Contouring,
  • Facial Surgery,
  • Facial Aesthetics,
  • Non-Surgical Treatments


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About Toronto Plastic Surgery - Dr. Mitchell Brown

Dr. Brown has been an innovator in developing new techniques in the field of aesthetic and reconstructive plastic surgery.


  • Dr. Mitchell Brown, B.Sc., M.D., M.Ed., F.R.C.S.C., is a graduate of the University of Western Ontario Faculty of Medicine in London, Ontario. He completed his medical degree in 1988, and received the gold medal for the top standing in his graduating class.
  • Dr. Brown went on to complete a comprehensive surgical internship at Toronto Western Hospital, followed by a five-year residency in plastic surgery at the University of Toronto.
  • Dr. Brown completed a Masters in Education and was involved in developing new techniques to teach and evaluate technical performance in the operating room.
  • In 1994, Dr. Brown became a Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada in plastic surgery.


  • CSPS (Canadian Society of Plastic Surgeons)
  • CSAPS (Canadian Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons)
  • OSPS (Ontario Society of Plastic Surgeons)
  • ASPS (American Society of Plastic Surgeons)
  • ASAPS (American Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons)
  • ISAPS (International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons)
  • RCPSC (Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada)
  • Founder and Co-Course Director of the Annual Toronto Breast Surgery Symposium, Canada's largest annual meeting dedicated to aesthetic and reconstructive breast surgery.
  • Member of the Scientific Program Committee, Breast Sub-Committee of the American Society of Plastic Surgery.
  • Member of the Examination Development Committee, Plastic Surgery Section of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada.
  • Invited lecturer at the Allergan Teaching Academy on Aesthetic and Reconstructive Breast Surgery.
  • Invited member, expert advisory panel for Health Canada on the safety of silicone gel breast implants.
  • Invited to perform live surgical demonstration on breast augmentation and breast lift at the Atlanta Breast Surgery Symposium
  • Dr. Brown is the residency training program director for the division of plastic surgery at the university of Toronto
  • Chairman of the organizing committee for national breast reconstruction awareness day
  • Local host chair of the American society of plastic surgeon's annual meeting in Toronto - 2010

Récompenses & réalisations

  • In 2011, Dr. Brown founded Breast Reconstruction Awareness (BRA) Day, an annual day to acknowledge the need for education, access and awareness for breast reconstruction following the treatment of breast cancer. BRA Day is now recognized in over twenty countries worldwide.
  • In addition to his clinical practice, Dr. Brown contributes regularly to the plastic surgery community through his involvement in various societies, invited lectures and scientific publications, as peer-read and peer-edited journals are an important teaching aid in the field of plastic surgery.

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Financement destiné aux patients : Toronto Plastic Surgery - Dr. Mitchell Brown

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  • Pas d'acompte
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Étapes faciles à suivre pour demander un financement

Medicard peut préapprouver un montant approximatif. Cela vous procure la flexibilité nécessaire pour choisir votre médecin, votre fournisseur de services, la procédure, le produit à acheter ou la date de la procédure en sachant que le financement est déjà confirmé.

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  • Choisissez le montant que vous voulez financer.
  • Choisissez de financer la totalité, ou une partie, de votre procédé.
  • Sélectionnez le terme de votre choix: 6 mois, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ou 6 ans.

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Medicard va verser le paiement automatiquement à votre médecin ou votre fournisseur de service.

  • Votre paiement mensuel est débité électroniquement de votre compte de chèques.


Medicard Address

790 Bay Street
Suite 410
Toronto, ON
M5G 1N8

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160 Bloor Street East
Toronto, ON
M4W 1B9
2470 Dalton Avenue
Québec, QC
G1P 3X1
302-535 Thurlow Street
Vancouver, BC
V6E 3L2