Also known as gynecomastia, breast reduction for men is the surgical correction of over-developed or enlarged breasts in men.
Enlarged male breasts can be reduced by liposuction and/or by cutting out excess glandular tissue. The procedure for male breast reduction takes an average of two hours, usually on an outpatient basis, using general or local anesthesia. If excessive glandular tissue, fat, and skin is present, it will be removed.
Surgery may be performed alone or in conjunction with lipoplasty, where the suction device will typically be inserted through the existing incisions. For the removal of excess fatty tissue alone, liposuction may be all that is needed; in such cases, scars will be small and barely visible.
Recovery time: To assist with the healing process, the patient will wear an elastic pressure garment for 3-6 weeks and must avoid exposing scarred areas to the sun for at least 6 months. Patients engage in gentle activities of daily living for the first 10 days. No aerobic exercise for at least 3 weeks.